January 2020 Newsletter


Actuartech would like to wish you all a Happy New Year - may 2020 be filled with happiness, amazing surprises and success!

In this newsletter

Tomorrow 17 Jan - Exploring Ethics & AI within Financial Services Webinar

16-18 Mar - Actuarial Data Science Pricing & Profitability in GI (also relevant to Life) Training London

21 April - Insurance & Insurtech Breakfast Johannesburg

21 April - Insurance Data Science Introductory Training Johannesburg

Insights Article Future of Risk Management Read here

The actuary in a world of data and technology: On demand webinar

Actuarial data science Learn to Code Get started here


FCA and Bank of England announce proposals for data reforms across the UK financial sector here

Contact us to make sense of the announcement

For more information about any of the above please contact us

Exploring Ethics & AI within Financial Services Webinar

17th January 2020 12pm GMT

Actuartech is delighted to present a talk on Exploring Ethics & AI within Financial Services. This talk will take the form of an online webinar, with each of the speakers presenting, followed by a Q&A session.

Talk Details:

Improvements in computational power have given rise to the use of data science and artificial intelligence techniques in a wide variety of areas, including finance, driverless cars, image detection, speech recognition etc. This is directly impacting business practices within the financial services through its application within banking, insurance and asset management.

It also gives rise to a wide range of ethical questions and the importance of integrating ethical considerations within business.

We will explore:

1. Why ethical challenges are increasing as the volume and variety of data increases?      

2. The impact of ethics within data science

3. Emerging ethical issues within the field of AI

4. The role that technology can play

5. Exploring the changing role of professionals and government/regulators within financial services

This talk will cover ethical considerations at a high level and the views presented will be the presenters’ own.

Register for the 17 Jan Exploring Ethics & AI Webinar here.

Actuarial Data Science Training General Insurance

Learn to Code

Also relevant to Life Insurance                    

16-18 March 2020 London

Hosted by Actuartech and Reacfin

We are pleased to present a 3 day hands on general insurance training event in London.

The aim of this workshop is to:

- Present basic and more advanced actuarial and statistical techniques used in non-life pricing, competition analysis and profitability analysis.

- Explore practical problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers by working through examples and case studies

- Introduce machine learning techniques used in non-life pricing in order to open new perspectives for product development (for example competition analysis and profitability analysis).

Participation is flexible: you can sign up for Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 or all days according to your needs and availability. Please see below a brief outline of each training day with a link to the relevant event and additional course information.

Day 1: 08:30-17:30 – Basics of non-Life pricing: introduction to GLMs in R (also relevant to Life insurance)

Day 2: 09:00 - 17:30– Advanced Methods of non-life pricing with R

Day 3:. 09:00 - 17:30– Other practical applications of Machine Learning in non-life insurance.

The event is hosted by Actuartech and Reacfin.

The training will take place in London.

The event will count towards CPD.

Required material

Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop computer with R installed as well as some useful packages (all the information will be provided after subscription). A basic knowledge of the R software will be useful, but not required.

Date: 16th, 17th and 18th March 2020 | 08:30-17:30 Participation is flexible: you can sign up for Day 1, Day 2, Day 3 or all days according to your needs and availability

Click here to register for the event and for further information

The Actuary in a World of Data and Technology: Webinar

Listen to our recent webinar on demand.

Listen to our pre-recorded panel discussion as we explore: Where do actuaries fit within the data science and technology picture?

The discussion covered, among other:
   - What are the skills actuaries need to learn to take advantage of the exponential increase in data?

   - Are data scientists and the rise of big data, ML and AI a threat to the actuarial profession

   - How best can the two communities work together?

   -  What other opportunities does this open for actuaries outside of insurance?

Watch a short snippet from the webinar below:


For the full version, please click here

The views presented are the presenters’ own.

Register here to listen on demand.

The Future of Risk Management: Adopting Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services, a Risk Management Perspective

Have you read our recent Insights article?

It was a beautiful Autumn’s day and we were joined by experts across the insurance and finance industry, including Chief Risk Officers, Fintech Professionals, Risk Management Consultants, Actuaries, and Data Scientists.  We discussed over a roundtable dinner, the future of Risk Management in financial services in a world that is increasingly impacted and characterised by AI technologies.  Read the article summaring the main outcomes of the roundtable discussion here

Introduction to Data Science in Insurance: Johannesburg

Training Event
21 April 2020

Improvements in computational power have given rise to the use of data science techniques in a wide variety of areas, including finance, driverless cars, image detection, speech recognition etc. In a world of high volume and varied datasets, data science techniques are invaluable to an insurance professional's toolkit to provide actionable insights from data.

  • An overview of the impact of Data science and possible applications within the Insurance Sector.
  • An understanding of the main techniques of Data Science including data management, machine learning, text mining, scraping and data visualisation.
  • Initial insight on how to address hot business topics in different fields of the Insurance Sector by leveraging data.

Who will benefit from the training?

Actuaries or other insurance professionals working in insurance looking to learn how:

  1. Improved data and computational capabilities can tackle insurance related business challenges with increasingly sophisticated approaches
  2. The insurance professional can expand their toolkit by learning practical data science skills
  3. Data Science can be applied in an insurance context, using practical business examples.

We will also provide a high level overview of the various machine learning techniques that are used covering the key supervised and unsupervised learning methods. This will include examples of how data science techniques can be applied in insurance.

Event Information
Tuesday 21st April 10 am - 5 pm, Hilton Sandton Johannesburg

For further information or to register for the event click here.

Please keep visiting our website www.actuartech.com for further updates regarding these events.

Insurance & Insurtech Breakfast Johannesburg

We are very excited to announce that our next round table discussion with finance and actuarial leaders from across the insurance spectrum will be held at the Hilton Sandton in Johannesburg.

The roundtable, hosted by Dupro and Actuartech, will bring together business leaders from Insurance and Technology - providing a platform for collaboration on the challenges and opportunities of the digital insurance technology landscape.

This event will explore opportunities created by new Insurtech innovations as well as look at how companies are responding.

Insurers have the opportunity to optimise their processes and create new sources of revenue by rethinking their traditional business models with the use of modern day technologies.

Key topics that will be discussed:

1. How will actuarial and finance functions adapt in the new digitally driven environment?

2. An update on the changing technology landscape given regulatory, statutory, operational and legal pressures including

IFRS 17, Impact of Data Science, and Digital delivery models

3. Emerging roles for finance leaders

Roundtable objectives:

1.Learn about the latest research in this field
2. Leave with an understanding of what digital technologies are and how developments are impacting the insurance industry from a finance and actuarial perspective
3. Appreciate the impact these developments could have on the finance and actuarial function of the future
4. Understand where organisations and individuals may need to change to benefit from the advances
5. Impact on the workforce
6. Interact with peers and colleagues in a discussion of this topic

Event Information
Tuesday 21st April 07:30-09:30 am, Hilton Sandton Johannesburg

For further information or to register for the event click here.



A huge increase in data generation, data capture and data storage combined with significantly increased computing power is providing insurers with a unique opportunity to re-evaluate the value that their data can provide; and the technologies available to do that.

Enabling actuaries to embrace modern day data science tools and to work closely with data scientists is an important link that could give strategic advantages to insurers in the further development of actuarial modelling software.

Looking forward, the actuary will continue to evaluate key sources of data and need to find ways to incorporate data science that uses state of the art machine- learning and data technologies together with the actuary’s business insights. We need to refresh our methods and make use of emerging technological advances.

Some are turning to programming languages like Julia, Python and R; among other. With the rise of open-source execution environments computational notebooks, programming is becoming more accessible and easy to use.

This provides an interesting alternative for actuaries to execute large amounts of statistical calculations and see the results with the latest data visualisation techniques.

To get started with coding, or for further information about our training, please contact info@actuartech.com

We also offer bespoke training tailored exclusively to the needs and requirements of you and your business.  To discuss this, please contact us.

Ask us A Question

We are pleased to announce that our On Demand Consultation Portal is now live.

The portal is designed to provide start-ups, individuals and teams with valuable insight, advice and support, on the topic of actuarial technology, where and when you need it most.

Book a free 30 minute consultation here.  

Cape Town Actuartech   Meet-up Group...

We have a new WhatsApp group for Cape Town to share regular topics of interest and to be notified about upcoming events.

Ask us to join here:


Monthly Coffee Meetup in Cape Town - last Friday of every month, back in 2020!

No need to book. Join us for a cuppa on a Friday - every last Friday of the month, back in 2020, Cape Town: info@actuartech.com for any questions

Sponsorship Options

Find out more about sponsorship opportunities with Actuartech for upcoming podcasts, videos, and events, info@actuartech.com.

Get in Touch

Actuartech wants to hear from you!

We would love to hear your thoughts on our newsletter and the articles featured and any suggestions you may have for next month.

Our Facebook page is now live - please take a look and give us a Like!

You can email us at info@actuartech.com or visit our website to learn more about Actuartech and access our unique database of vendors for specific technology solutions.

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for reading.

January 2020 Newsletter

Written by Valerie Du Preez

This post was certified by Actuartech on

Review: This article is well-researched and provides valuable information.

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